Round the Sphere Again: Words and Lists

Strange Vocabulary
What should we, as Christians, do about our distincitive words? Says Trevin Wax, “We need to take the hard road – explaining Christian concepts to outsiders in a way that can be understood. Then, we need to initiate them into the Christian community where these words are used and celebrated.” Read the whole piece.
Defining Words
How do we know what the Greek and Hebrew words of scripture mean? (Bill Mounce at Koinonia)
Four from John Eight
The Thirsty Theologian show us another simple way learn more from a passage of scripture—make a list of some of the doctrines found in it. He’s listed four major doctrines taught in John 8, and assures us that there are even more.
Can Do and Can’t Do
By G. E. Ladd, a list drawn from what the scripture says about the kingdom of God. (Justin Taylor)
Reader Comments (2)
On the subject of words, I just started reading, "In The Beginning was the Word: Language - a God-Centered Approach", by Vern Poythress. Have you heard of it? So far I am loving it.
Haven't heard of it, Jen, at least not until you mentioned it. :)