Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for the mama mallard with young’ns in the pond behind the house. I’m thankful for the window in the living room with a view of the bush and the mountains behind and beyond. I’m thankful for quiet mornings after busy evenings.
I’m thankful for a little rain so I can take a break from the watering of garden and yard.
I’m thankful for non-drowsy antihistamines.
I’m thankful that youngest son can finally walk without much pain so he can take over the dog-walking job as things get busier leading up to the big wedding next weekend. (He did a number on his feet walking for miles and miles around Vancouver wearing flip-flops.)
I’m thankful my future daughter-in-law, who is a very lovely young woman.
I’m thankful for the providence of God in all these things.
On Thursdays throughout this year, I plan to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving along with Kim at the Upward Call and others. Why don’t you participate by posting your thanksgiving each week, too? It’ll be an encouragement to you and to others, I promise.
Reader Comments (2)
The wedding is "next weekend" already? How exciting!
I'm going to be relating youngest son's flip flop saga to Emily who insists on wearing those things whenever she's not wearing heels. She didn't get her taste in footwear from her Mom!!!
Oh, the anticipation of the wedding next weekend! May God bless your son and the lovely young woman who will be his wife!
Hope you get approval to post a few pics.....