Round the Sphere Again: Presuppositionalism Once More

Act 17 Twice
- A concise outline for the transcendental argument for the existence of God, and an example from scripture:
Paul … in his entire speech in Acts 17, assumes God’s existence from his first sentence and builds upon that transcendental foundation. Whether it’s the fact that God is Creator (v. 24), that he is self-sufficient and all men depend on him (v. 25), that all men come from a common ancestor and God is the Lord of history (v. 26), that God demands repentance (v. 30), and has appointed a final day of judgment (v. 31), or that Christ was raised from the dead, Paul argues for his worldview from his worldview…. (RealApologetics Blog)
A discussion of “the problem of the criterion.”
To avoid a subjectivist guessing game and/or utter skepticism, we must appeal to an ultimate locus of authority that is comprehensive in knowledge. This is what Christians call the Triune God, and I proclaim to you in Pauline fashion (Acts 17:23) that He is the only actual Criterion that humans can appeal to in order to justify knowledge. (Triablogue)
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