Status Report: August

Sitting…on the couch in the living room. I’d like to be outside, but it’s too hot for me there. We don’t get too hot very often, so I’m not complaining.
Drinking…water. Lots of water.
Trying…to get my life organized again after the wedding and company and days full of activity. Trying to get back to blogging, too. I did manage to do some reading during my vacation. Maybe I should work on a book review first.
Picking…fresh lettuce, tomatoes and brocolli from the garden. Starting to pick the raspberries, too. I love this time of year because I can walk out right before supper and harvest a salad.
Wishing…there were no mosquitoes or wasps. Don’t like ‘em at all.
Remembering…what fun the wedding was. Serious where a wedding should be serious, and fun where a wedding should be fun. And always joyful.
Deciding…what to do with all the household stuff my now married son is returning to me. Should I just pack it up and donate it to the Salvation Army? After all, I didn’t miss it when he was using it. Or should I store it all in the basement in case another of my kids needs it?
Anticipating…youngest daughter’s return home after an overnight in Vancouver. She should be here in a few minutes unless the plane is late.
Reading…40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible by Robert Plummer. I’m not reading the questions and answers in order, but jumping back and forth as the mood strikes and feeling a little naughty.
Listening…to these audio talks from D. A. Carson and thinking he must be a presuppositionalist. Also listening to the pup make an extended racket with a squealing rubber ball. He’s outside, but it still is annoyingly loud. Who gave him that thing, anyway?
Hoping…that youngest daughter, who just arrived home, is not getting sick, but is just really, really tired from a too-heavy work schedule.
Thanking…God for family, for hot weather, for our funny pup.
Reader Comments (2)
Woo-hoo! A Dilbert fan! (?) Love that strip.
We set a record high for this date (08/02): 107. At least the humidity was only a fraction what it was just a few days ago (75 - 80 percent).
Re: Dr. Carson, it sure seems so. Makes me really curious to know if he would describe himself that way.
A Dilbert fan! (?)
A Dilbert fan! (!)
107 is way too hot. BTW, here in the Yukon, we think 40% is high humidity.