Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Round the Sphere Again: These Get a Ditto from Me

Nothing Negative?
I’ve thought about writing on the subject of book reviews here on the blog and why I almost always think highly of the books I review. But today John Bird wrote on this subject so I don’t have to.

Things are pretty much the same here at this blog, book review-wise, and for pretty much the same reasons. Mostly, it’s that for me, reading and blogging are two hobbies among many*, and I haven’t time to waste, so I’m very careful what books I request for review.

I do try to mention anything in the books that I think some of my frequent readers may have issues with—even if those same things don’t bother me—because I’d feel bad if someone spent good money on a book at my recommendation and then ended up hated it.

Oh Andrée!
Andrée Seu is the only writer at World Magazine that I have on my feed reader. I really, really like her because she’s an excellent writer, she’s been widowed, too, and she writes frequently on suffering in the light of God’s sovereignty. Last night I read her article on Glen Beck and felt a little sick. I wouldn’t have written here about it—writing about these kind of things isn’t my cup of tea—but I’m sure glad Justin Taylor did.

*Like making jam, for instance. Did I tell you that the raspberry-peach jam I made last week is the best jam I’ve tasted in my whole life? It makes me want to turn all those bags of raspberries in the freezer into jam while there are still fresh peaches to be had.

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Reader Comments (4)

Kevin DeYoung mentioned that piece in World Magazine as well.

The jam sounds delicious! I've never had the two kinds mixed together.

September 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim in ON

Andree is in my feed reader too, and I was stunned by her article. I'm glad for Justin Taylor's post.

I made Peach-Raspberry Jam too, and I agree that it's so delicious. What recipe did you use? Maybe it's even better than mine!

September 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrosemary

I saw your recipe, Rosemary. Because my fruit wasn't in the same proportions as the recipe—I had more raspberries than peaches—I just looked at how to make raspberry jam and peach jam on the instructions with the pectin and adjusted according to the proportions I had. I hope that makes sense. It turned out a tiny bit on the soft side, but it sure tastes good.

September 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca

I've read what these two writers have said and all I can say is that we must keep praying for one another. Although I don't read The Bible and have not finished the last book I started over a year ago, I do go to church fairly regular and to be fair to myself, I listen very attentively to what God is telling me at all time.

While I was reading those two articles I kept thinking of Jesus and when a few of His Apostles were going to bring down fire and brimstone on someone who was casting out demons in Jesus' Name and in so many words, Jesus told them to leave "IT" along because if he, she or them were with Him then they were not against HIm.

What I should say is that at this time and there might not even come a time where I must take side because as I've always believed that we are all sinners and God is The ONLY ONE who can safely look into our hearts and then truly judge U>S no matter how black and/or white "IT" might appear on the surfaces.

I hope that I didn't get myself in too much trouble here but for what "IT" is worth at this time, that's how those issues appear to me but then again what could I really know with a grade ten education?

I hear ya! What's the name of that spiritual Jam you're making Victor?:)

God Bless,


September 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVictor

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