Round the Sphere Again: Origins

Not So Illogical
Where did the term near miss (two aircraft avoiding a mid-air collision) come from (World Wide Words)?
If you love words and especially word trivia, you’ll want to subscribe to the World Wide Words feed so you don’t miss any of the featured “new words, word histories, the background to words in the news, and the curiosities of native English speech” that are posted there.
Not All European
“[H]ow well do you know your favorite cheeses’ backgrounds? In this quiz, we’ll give you a cheese, and you’ll tell us where it originated” (mental_floss Blog). I scored 7/10.
Reader Comments (2)
I only got three right on the cheese quiz. I guess work as a cheese historian is not in my immediate future.
It's a sad day when you're forced to remove everybody's dream job from your list of career possiblities.