Round the Sphere Again: Good Words from Women

Meditating on the Text
Leslie Wiggins posted her thoughts on Philippians 1:7-10, which was last week’s portion a scripture memory challengs. She tells us, among other things, what kind of man Paul was not.
Preaching to Herself
From Staci Eastin:
And that’s the biggest part of the problem: I wrote a book about this. I know the cause of my angst is really unbelief. I even outlined it carefully and sent it to a publisher. And now they’re going to put their money where my mouth is and bind it up in print on real pages. I should be beyond this kind of thing by now, shouldn’t I?
The whole piece: Rainy Days and Unbelief Always Get Me Down.
Following Our Hearts
is not necessarily a good thing (Kim Shay):
This principle of being “who I am” has been taken a hold of by modern secular psychology (and some “Christian” psychology, sadly enough) as being some kind of standard of virtue. I am so “real” and “relevant” if I have the courage to be “who I am.” They key to emotional health is to be “who I am.”
My heart is deceitful. It is sick. Is this what I want guiding me? I have inclinations to serve myself, not God. So, if I have the “courage to be who I am,” is it any kind of courage at all?
Read more: Teach Our Children Well
Reader Comments (2)
I love Leslie's post too. (I also linked to it.)
Thank you, Rebecca, for pointing us to so many thoughtful and God honoring posts.
I liked all three of those posts as well! Good words, indeed.