Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for the promise of warm winter weather this weekend. I’m thankful for the bright moon and for fresh snow.
I’m thankful that youngest son is so faithful in walking the dogs, even when he’s got a busy work day or when (like this week) he’s been housesitting and teensitting at a place down the street. His faithfulness means I can take the dogs for a walk when I want, but there’s no pressure on me when I’m busy….or just tired.
I’m thankful that when I accidentally locked myself out of my front door yesterday at -30, wearing only shirt-sleeves and socks, I’d already unlocked the back door. (A pox on outside knobs that open from the inside even though they are looked. I know they’re supposed to make us safer, but I’m pretty sure they don’t.)
I’m thankful that God is not counting my trespasses against me.
Throughout this year I’m planning to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving each Thursday along with Kim at the Upward Call and others.
Reader Comments (3)
How brilliant of you to have planned ahead and unlocked the back door! Wouldn't want to be hanging around outside in -30 weather.
It's brilliant of my dogs to have wanted out to do their business already. :)
Thanks for the chuckle Rebecca and the dear memories of the old days when I also locked myself out on occasions.
Just about every day I thank God in so many words also for not counting my trespasses cause where would we be if He did count them. I don't even want to think about "IT" :)