Round the Sphere Again: Declaring the Glory

I’d never heard of this fascinating weather phenomenon and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen it. Have you? (mental_floss Blog)
Update: Here are more photos of this rare cloud formation (The Cloud Appreciation Society). And here’s a video shot this month in Birmingham, Alabama.
It’s the middle of winter, which means we see big black ravens everywhere here where I live. A few years ago I wrote about how smart they are, but I didn’t know they were this smart.
[R]avens not only communicate with their voices, but they also use gestures such as showing and offering objects to each other such as moss, stones and twigs.
This means the birds are the only non-primates who communicate in this way.
(CBC News)
Reader Comments (1)
Those cloud pictures were beautiful! I love looking at the clouds and the sky. If I ever see something like that, I hope I have my camera with me.