Round the Sphere Again: His Purpose

In the Face of Human Rebellion
Phil Johnson takes us through Genesis, showing that it’s meant to teach us something about the sovereignty of God (Pyromaniacs).
The whole story, on a purely human level, is both disturbing and discouraging.
But through it all, there is a subtle thread of redemption, and Genesis gives us enough of the divine perspective to reassure us that God is completely in control. He has a good purpose in the midst of all this misery and strife. Evil may seem to have the upper hand, but God will triumph.
In All the Pain and Sorrow
Martin Downes: 12 things the God is teaching me (Against Heresies). One of the lessons?
2. He is teaching me that here there is no continuing city and that I should seek the one that is to come whose Builder and Maker is God.
In the Simple Gifts
“[B]ecause he takes pleasure in my pleasure, however trivial” (The Thirsty Theologian), it is right to thank him for the little things that give us pleasure.
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