Thankful Thursday

Let’s go with a list for this week’s Thankful Thursday post.
- I’m thankful for the spring weather that makes it fun to be outdoors.
- I’m thankful for painting projects that keep me challenged and give me a sense of accomplishment when I’m finished.
- I’m thankful that God gave us work to do.
- I’m thankful for the times I’m home alone. Some people hate it, but I need it.
- I’m still thankful for my car.
- I’m thankful for my little pot of daffodils.
- I’m thankful that God’s mercies are new every morning.
- I’m thankful for costly salvation.
- I’m thankful for this reminder from Thomas Brooks.
How about you? For what are you thankful?
Throughout this year I’m planning to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving each Thursday along with Kim at the Upward Call and others.
Reader Comments (2)
I need time alone too. One of the great "surrenders" with our choice to home school - it is a rare thing. I am anxiously awaiting my tulips and daffodils. I want to see them before we sell our house! They would also really help with curb appeal. Thank you for the link to the Brooks quote - beautiful. Oh that I would quit murmuring!
Murmur, murmur, murmur. Wonderful Brooks quote.
I'm going to buy some daffodils the first time I see them at the grocery. The ones in the ground won't be poking up for quite a while, I'm afraid.