This Week in Housekeeping

Recently updated Theological Term of the Week posts:
- Yes, I’ve already updated this week’s term. I tweeked the definition a little and also added a link to Ronald W. Di Giacomo’s Free Will - Confusion Abounds, which explains why libertarian free will is incompatible with God’s foresight.
- Added a link to Kevin DeYoung’s Clarifying Exclusivism. This piece is helpful because it explains some things that exclusivists (usually) are not saying when they affirm these two points:
1) The saving work of Jesus is the only way to be saved. 2) Putting faith in Jesus is the only way to appropriate that saving work.
- Updated a couple of dead links.
- Changed the formatting to make it match the more recent theological terms.
- Added a link to Bob Burridge’s The Meaning of Imputation.
- Added related terms federal head, original sin, double imputation, justification, penal substitution.
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