This Week in Housekeeping

Recently updated Theological Term of the Week posts:
- Added a new link to this instructive piece by David Murray: Typology: A Step-by-Step Guide (pdf). David defines a type as a real person, place, object, or event that God ordained to act as a predictive pattern or resemblance of Christ’s person and work.” He goes on to explain what this means:
Let’s unpack that a little:
Here’s an example:
• A type is a real person, place, object or event: it is true, real, and factual
• That God ordained: it does not resemble Christ’s person or work by mere coincidence but by divine plan
• To act as a predictive pattern or resemblance: the same truth is found in the picture and the fulfilment
• Of Christ’s person and work: the truth in the picture is enlarged, heightened, and clarified in the fulfilmentThe Passover lamb was a type of Christ. The Passover was real event. The truths of substitutionary sacrifice andredemption by blood were found in both the type and the antitype. These truths were enlarged, heightened, and clarified in the antitype. The antitype was the God-man – not just a lamb; and He redeemed from spiritual and eternal bondage – not just physical and temporary bondage.
- Fixed the link to this list of resources on typology from Bible Research.
- Added two new related terms: redemptive history and biblical hermeneutics
- Added a link to this list of definitions of covenant (pdf) from various authors.
- Added this related term: redemptive history. There must be other related terms, too, but I couldn’t think of them.
- Found new links to Michael Lawrence’s sermons on the covenants and updated to fix the old, dead links: The Covenant of Works – Genesis 2:15-17 (mp3); The Covenant of Grace – Genesis 12:1-3 (mp3); The Covenant of Law – Deuteronomy 4 (mp3);
The New Covenant – Jeremiah 31:27-34 (mp3)
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