Round the Sphere Again: Questions of Resurrection

Was Jesus’ Burial Cloth Folded or Rolled?
I didn’t even know this was an issue, but it is (Mondays with Mounce at Koinonia).
This illustrates the difficulty of translating Greek words that occur rarely. Either way, the point is the same: “[R]obbers had not stolen the body, as they would have given little care for the neatness of the grave clothes.”
Where Is Jesus Resurrection Body?
Jared Wilson answers this question:
After Jesus’s resurrection and ascension into heaven, where did his physical body go? I realize that when I ask that question I’m actually asking two questions: 1. the nature of Jesus’s body and how it works in another state 2. did Jesus go to Heaven, and if so, what is Heaven? If it is just a spiritual place how could Jesus’s physical body exist there? If he is simply with the Father, who is spirit, where is his physical body?
(The Gospel-Driven Church).
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