Status Report: April

Sitting…on a couch in the living.
Drinking…a can of green tea ginger ale.
Watching…the sun set.
Thinking…that I should be working on a more substantial post I’ve started, but I’m tired, tired, tired, triply emphasised. What is it about the longer evening light that makes me antsy and exhausted at the same time?
Liking…afternoon walks in the spring sunshine. Liking that it’s time to come out of winter hibernation. Liking that I can watch the Twins again, but wishing they’d have won a couple more games.
Also liking…the pale clover colour I painted the coffee table.
Listening…to my son cleaning his room. Last time he cleaned his room he found a roll of year-old Christmas wrapping paper. This time he keeps finding his sister’s t-shirts. I’m thinking it’s not her fault they’re in his room.
Experiencing…spring fever. It’s an excellent treatment for cabin fever.
Reading…two books that are too similar and finding it hard to finish either of them, even though I like them both.
Wondering…why God works the way he does. Wondering why he brings some of his children through so much suffering. In a lecture I listened to this afternoon, J. I Packer said that he thought God brought difficult things into our lives to prepare us to enjoy heaven, and that those who suffer more will enjoy heaven more. What do you think?
Pondering…the phrase “glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” If you stick around for a couple days, you might find out why.
Reader Comments (2)
Hello there. I think everyone in heaven will enjoy heaven. I'm not sure if suffering will make us enjoy it more, but perhaps it gives us a clearer contrast now? For me anyway, I am so conscious that this life is not perfect, the world is not perfect, and I am not perfect - yet. I would love it to be so, and then thinking of heaven reminds me it will be. So maybe I appreciate heaven more right now, if that makes sense. Our faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Seems to me that the deeper the suffering, the deeper the joy because of greater awareness of the grace that God gave to endure and eventually, overcome. I think that's true in this life, and it will be much more so in heaven. But I have no real answer as to why some people suffer so greatly, and others not so much. That's a question that has bugged me for a very long time. My answer to myself is, (briefly) God is sovereign, He is good, trust Him.
Reading “glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”----tears well up in my eyes. I look forward to your post.