Round the Sphere Again: Just for Fun

Camping Equipment
has history and some of it is quite interesting. Do you know why your flashlight is called flashlight? And where did the sleeping bag come from? Find the answers to these questions and more (mental_floss Blog).
Logical Punctuation
I’ve always thought commas and periods should be outside of quotation marks. I have to think hard to remember which way is correct, and I often get it wrong, because the right way seems to make less sense than the wrong way. I guess I’m not alone (Slate).
Reader Comments (3)
The Brits definitely have it right. Our way makes no sense, and I always have to remind myself to do it "right." (That should be "right".)
Well, being Canadian and raised with British spelling and punctuation, I think the US is finally getting it right. :-) I remember being surprised when I first realized that someone could possibly do it differently.
--The Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed., p. 161)
What's that I hear off in the distance? Why, I do believe that it's Tevye bellowing, "Tradition!" ;-)
Nonetheless, I still prefer it to the "logical punctuation" approach, which just looks odd to me. Odder still (again, to me) is the notion that we should jettison something because has nothing "other than tradition" to commend it.