Thankful Thursday

It’s been a very busy day, so here I am, late at night, writing today’s thanksgiving post. I’m ending my day on a thankful note and that’s a good way to finish up, isn’t it?
I’m thankful that God gives me energy to work hard. I’m thankful that he gives thoughts to think and words to speak. I’m thankful that he gives wisdom for planning and strength for doing.
I’m thankful that God kept me and my family safe as we went about our business today.
I’m thankful that today’s big boiling dyeing disaster in the kitchen cleaned up pretty well.
I’m thankful for open windows and summer breezes. I’m also thankful for the first fresh rhubarb picked and washed and waiting in the fridge for me to turn it into pie or crisp.
While I’m listing, let me say that I’m thankful for mosquito repellent.
And I’m thankful for a comfortable bed at the end of the day.
Throughout this year I’m planning to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving each Thursday along with Kim at the Upward Call and others.
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