Round the Sphere Again: While We're on the Subject

Trevin Wax discusses vocation (a recent Theological Term of the week) with Ben Witherington and Gene Veith. He’ll be posting this in three parts, with two posted already:
- Work and the Church: A Conversation with Gene Veith & Ben Witherington (Part 1)
- Co-operating with God in our Work: The Witherington/Veith Discussion (Part 2)
My friend Eddie, who recently started the blog Eddie’s Epics, has responded to my post Ordained Is a Wonderful Word, adding to what I wrote by explaining what God’s ordination means to believers. He writes:
I’m glad the Bible teaches this. I’m glad that it’s a truth. Otherwise, I’d be afraid of the moments that weren’t ordained, that didn’t have His purposes behind them, that were just random or extra. What would those moments be? What purpose would they serve? Even the moments in which I am weak ultimately produce the fruit of my reliance on grace!
A discussion with Sye TenBruggencate on presuppositional apologetics (Hip and Thigh). (I know I posted presuppostionalism as a theological term about a year ago, but it’s a subject I’m still thinking about.)
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