Round the Sphere Again: Adam and Christ Times Two

Naked and Full of Shame
From Nancy Guthrie:
Adam lost for us the beautiful ‘naked and not ashamed’ of the garden. But at the cross, Christ hung naked and full of shame. It wasn’t his own shame. It was your shame and my shame. He ‘endured the cross, despising the shame’ (Heb. 12:2) so that ‘everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame’ (Rom. 10:11).
Read the whole quote at Of First Importance.
All His Kinfolk
From Neil Shay at The NEW Calvinist Gadfly:
Of Adam—
All of his kinfolk die, died, and will die, even if they accomplish the unachievable, and do not sin. And they are dead forever, in every way that a person can be dead. Even while they live, they are dead.
Of Christ—
All of his kinfolk die, died, but will live, because He accomplished the inconceivable, and did not sin. And they will live forever, in every way that a person can be alive. Even when they die, they live.
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