Thankful Thursday

Guess what? I’m going on a road trip. My youngest son and I leave Saturday morning, heading to Minnesota first and then to Iowa for my niece’s wedding. I’m thankful that I have a car to make the trip and a son to help me with the driving. I’m thankful for the opportunity to travel the Alaska highway again.
I just saw some cell phone photos of my neighbors’ new baby girl. She was born last Saturday, several weeks early, and medivacked to Edmonton immediately. Things were touch and go for a while, but she’s doing very well now and will probably be home within a month. It will be fun to have another baby in the neighborhood. I’m very thankful that God gave her and that he protected her. I’m thankful that her parents will have a baby to take home after losing twins in the same sort of circumstances a couple of years ago.
I’m thankful for fresh broccoli, lettuce, and spinach from the garden.
(This might be the last post from me for a couple of week. I planned to have a post on the last chapter of Christianity and Liberalism up today but things are crazy around here. Maybe I’ll have it up and maybe I won’t. And maybe I’ll post photos of my trip, but I’m not making any promises there, either.)
Throughout this year I’m planning to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving each Thursday along with Kim at the Upward Call and others.
Reader Comments (9)
Have a wonderful road trip with your son---sounds like fun!
Have a wonderful trip, Becky! I wish we were passing through Minnesota this year, so we could meet up! Happy driving!
Do have a wonderful and safe trip, Rebecca! I love road trips!
I'm not sure if you will travel the Yellowhead through Alberta or if we'll be around but it would be fantastic to meet you if either of those conditions apply! Have a great trip regardless.
I love this picture!! We had it hanging in our kitchen when we were growing up.
I'm sure that even the ones who for some reason might not be able to respond to this post wish you all the best on your trip and for what it is worth, my prayer will also be going your way.
I'm thankful that God has sent you our way
BECKY, HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME! We will definitely miss you! <3
Have a good trip! Hope you have air conditioning to beat the heat wave in the midwest...
Have a great trip and please say a little prayer that we will have a little snow for Christmas cause we're in The Gateway of The North and I can't ever remember a Christmas where we've never had snow.
For what "IT"s worth, I'll be travelling with you in Spirit! :)
God Bless