Status Report: September

Sitting… on the couch with the dogs. (Yes, I allow the dogs on the couch. What good is a pet dog if you can’t cuddle with it?)
Eating… my breakfast cereal. (Yes, it’s too late for breakfast. If you must know, I accidently slept in.)
Feeling… cold. It gets quite cold overnight now—I’ve been bringing the tomato plants in every evening—and I haven’t turned up the heat. See, I need the dogs with me on the couch; it’s a two-dog morning.
Also feeling… stiff and sore. The outdoor work I’ve done lately is catching up with me.
Remembering… that while I usually turn off the furnace for a couple of months during the summer, it never got warm enough for that this year. Yes, it was the summer that never was. I take that back: It was the summer that lasted a week or two and is now long past.
Wondering… if the weather this fall will continue to be be colder than normal or will it be warmer because we’re due for good things weather-wise. I’m going with colder than normal, and no, I’m not a pessimist. I’m a Yukon weather realist.
Liking… all the ruby red jars of jam lined up on the shelf in the basement.
Appreciating… the new container of raspberries that my daughter-in-law picked so that I could make yet more jam for the pretty little jam jars I picked up at a garage sale last Saturday.
Thinking… that I am not sad that the landcruiser sold. This surprises me a little. It belonged first to my husband, so I was sentimentally attached, or so I thought.
Anticipating… picking some of the cranberries that are so big and plentiful this year. All that miserable rain has at least one benefit: lots of juicy red berries.
Reminding… myself that I need to get up off the couch because I have a long to-do list and not enough hours left to accomplish it all.
Reader Comments (4)
I'm fascinated by your weather reports. It's nearly 100 here today(which is a higher than normal - it's usually in the 80s this time of year). Our summer has been miserably hot, and I'm tired of it. And for us, hot summers usually mean cold winters. Although our idea of cold is -10 degrees F, which is probably much warmer than your idea of cold.
I wish the Yukon and southern Ontario could have had a weather swap. We were dry, yet had very humid temps. Today it is really muggy and miserable. I hope you have a better fall.
Remembering… that while I usually turn off the furnace for a couple of months during the summer, it never got warm enough for that this year. Yes, it was the summer that never was. I take that back: It was the summer that lasted a week or two and is now long past.
I'm from the DFW area and (1) a few years ago we had the summer that never ended. I think it was the summer of 2005 that ended in Dec 2006, (2) we almost broke the record for the hottest temp ever recorded this summer and the most triple digit days in a row. As it was, we've had the most number of triple digit days and the temperature is still too warm for September (or at least to my liking), and (3) Texas had the highest average temp of any state for the 3 months of June, July & August this year.
So, I'm wondering: would you like to trade the location in which you spend your summers: I could sure use a cooling off spell next year. ;-0)
One of the reasons I live where I do is that I'm not good with heat. :) Sorry about your hot, hot summer.
I experienced some hot, humid weather when I was in Iowa last July, I was glad to leave it behind and come home.