Status Report: October

Sitting…on the couch. My legs are folded up beside me and the German Shepherd is beside me resting his head and paws on my feet. It felt cozy for the first half-hour but now it’s just hot.
Drinking…nothing because it’s almost bedtime.
Noting…that today is my oldest granddaughter’s first birthday. Last year at this time, she was being flown, alone with a medical team, to a hospital in Edmonton, and we were all here, worrying, praying, hoping. It was not a good night! God answered our prayer and one year later, she is healthy, strong and happy. Tonight is a good night.
Remembering…her birthday party yesterday. It was at my house and attended by almost everyone on both sides of her extended family. The highlight for me was seeing her stand up to her 3 year old cousin, who refused to let go of one of her new toys. When her dirty look and persistant tugging didn’t work, she growled at him. That girl is a firecracker.
Thanking…God for her life, her health, her spunk.
Also remembering…that last year on this night, on top of everything else, I was feverishly sick from a reaction to amoxicillin. I was sick in bed for nearly three weeks, so I am thankful tonight for my health, too.
Celebrating…garden’s end. Last evening after the party ended, I picked or dug everything left—carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, swiss chard. It was none too soon: It reached -6 last night and it is already below freezing tonight. I spent the day washing carrots and packing them in bags to give away.
Not celebrating…the mini-snowstorm we had this afternoon.
Reading…Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves. I’ve only just started, but so far, I like it.
Waiting…for life to slow down.
Longing…for sleep.
Reader Comments (1)
She growled at him? What a hoot. It made me laugh out loud.
Happy birthday to Little Miss Firecracker!