Thankful Thursday

This has been a weird week and I’ve not always been feeling very thankful. Last week I thanked God for daughter’s family’s new furnace, which meant they could stay comfortably in their own home again. But the fuel pump was defective on the new furnace, so they only had heat for half a week, and then nothing. The part to fix their furnace has to be flown in from Edmonton, and nobody in Edmonton seems to understand that in the north, no heat in late October is an emergency situation. Long story short, no heat for them until at least late tomorrow night. They’ve been staying at my home this past week, which means my home is busy, busy, busy and noisy, noisy, noisy. Not to mention the double dog hair covering everything.
I’m thankful that I’m here with a home they can use. I’m thankful that my daughter has cooked all the suppers so I don’t have to. I’m thankful for extra time with sweet Granddaughter II. I’m thankful that daughter’s family’s landlord is returning this month’s rent check to them.
But there’s more. A couple of weeks ago I was thankful that the pup’s cut paw was healing nicely. Then it blew up with a soft tissue infection and required a trip to the vet, a round of antibiotics, and daily pain-killers. Yesterday it looked the same instead of worse for the first time in 5 days or so. Today it actually looks a little better, so I think we might be on the way to healing.
I’m thankful for vetrinarians and the work they do. They wear the “mask of God” as they care for his creatures, and I’m thankful. I’m thankful for antibiotics and pain-killers too, and the blessing they are to human and animal life.
I’m also thankful that God forgives me when I’m not feeling thankful. I’m thankful that sometime soon my life will be back to normal and my house will be quiet again.
Reader Comments (1)
There's so much to be thankful for every day and I also ask God (Good Old Dad) to forgive me for the times that I'm not always thankful. For example, a fire broke out in my little chapel a few days ago but I thank GOD for keeping me and my wife both safe and I thank HIM that none of the family was here and that the fire chief didn't insist that I go to the hospital because he taught that I had taken too much smoke in my flesh while putting out the fire. Don't tell any body but just before I put the fire out, I couldn't help but watch the fire situated right in front of me in just "ONE" spot and while the smoke was all around me, my gut feeling kept telling me to put "IT" out but "IT" was as if time stood still and for a split godly second I was miss ma rized but when the fire started to move, I then had no choice but to put "IT" out. I still don't understand that only a small piece corner of the paper of a Saint burnt and the cross that my best friend Tom gave me who died of a brain tumor did not burn while "IT" was surrounded by fire. I thank GOD that HE takes Good care of all His U>S (usual sinning) children. I thank God that the fire did not occur while my wife and I were both sleeping.
There's so much more that I'm thankful for but then I would be getting too personal and our five daughters wouldn't like that and that's why I closed down my last blog so I'll simply Thank God for having given me a good woman who truly still loves me and leave "IT" at that if ya get my drift? :)
God Bless and I thank you for the continued prayers Rebecca.