Thankful Thursday

I’m still thankful for my little granddaughter who is growing every day, reminding me what a joy babies are just because they’re babies. I’m thankful that after parenthood comes grandparenthood, with each one a blessing.
I’m thankful that my children and my grandchild all live close to me.
I’m thankful for the man who showed up to help push my car out of the snow bank yesterday.
I’m thankful for wonderful winter weather.
I’m thankful that God adopted me. I’m thankful that he makes believers members of his family and gives them all the privileges of children of God. I’m thankful that one of the privileges of God’s adopted children is discipline for our good.
What about you? What are you thankful for?
Reader Comments (2)
It must be about time for an update picture of your little miss, don't you think? They grow so quickly!
Hello Rosemary,
Sorry I was so slow approving your comment. I might post a photo of Natalie soon. All the photos the photos I have presently are a little bit old.