Status Report: April

Sitting…on the couch in the living room. My son’s big dog David is sitting beside me. I’m his new best friend since my son has been touring Germany and Poland for the last two weeks. I’ve been David’s only feeder and walker and companion and we’re buds now.
Drinking…an after supper cup of green tea.
Realizing…that it’s only a couple of days before my son returns home and I’ve finished just a couple of the many tasks I had hoped to accomplish while he was gone. It’s not that I didn’t work hard, but that I’ve had way more interruptions than I anticipated. And, as usual, I may have had expectations that were just a wee bit unrealistic.
Hoping…that this lastest oral surgery will work the way it’s supposed to. I’m tired of having stitches in my mouth and having to be careful what and how I eat. I’m sick of taking antibiotics, too. If this latest stitch up job doesn’t work, it’s back for more surgery again. And I don’t want that!
Wondering…if having an implant is worth it after all. Perhaps I should have just let things be.
Reading…Rodney Stark’s God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusades. I like history, but I know nothing much about the Crusades, so I’m learning. I finally finished The World-Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips, the book I kept in my purse to read whenever I had to wait somewhere. Look for a review soon. Taking TWTG’s place in my purse is The Hammer of God by Bo Giertz. Yes, I’ve decided to read more than one novel this year.
Thinking…about a post I have in draft. Thinking about how to say what I want to say nicely. Because it could come across wrong if I’m not careful. (You know, I never used to even think much about these things. I’d just have gone ahead and posted the post without a second thought. But I’ve grown mellow (or chicken) in my old age.)
Also thinking…that you all are going to read that and think the last paragraph is refering to my soon to come review of The World Tilting Gospel. You would be wrong.
Planning…an Easter dinner/birthday party for the fam this weekend.
Anticipating…green. We are in the midst of the mud and dirty snow season. But I know spring is coming because it’s 9pm and still light out.
Reader Comments (2)
Spring this year is about 3 weeks ahead of schedule. It's wreaking havoc on a nearby town's dogwood and azalea festival, because the blooms will be long gone at festival time. I hope your spring comes early this year, too.
The implant procedure doesn't sound very appealing. I'm supposed to have one, but don't have the nerve now. No pun intended.
As for the post draft----I always enjoy reading what you write. Don't be chicken. :-)