Round the Sphere Again: Understanding The Bible

This week there were a whole lot of posts on the Bible in my clippings file, too many for one Round the Sphere post. I’ve set aside some to link from Theological Term posts and some for possible future Round the Sphere posts. These are a few links that have to do with understanding and interpreting the Bible.
An Overview
Fred Zaspel answers the question “What is the Bible all about?” (Credo Magazine).
How to Interpret It
Kim Shay posts on how to study the gospels . The summary:
I think the best approach to studying the gospels is to read, read, read, and take notes. Furthermore, we must read “horizontally,” i.e., keeping in mind that there are four gospels, and “vertically,” i.e., paying attention to the context of a given pericope. Getting into the context of the time Christ lived helps, too.
(The Upward Call)
D. A. Carson comments on this apparent contradiction between Paul and James:
“FOR WE MAINTAIN THAT A MAN is justified by faith apart from observing the law” (Rom. 3:28). So writes the apostle Paul. “You foolish man,” argues James, “do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? … You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone…. As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead” (James 2:14-26, especially vv. 20, 24, 26).
He gives three points to help reconcile the two passages (For the Love of God).
Steve Hays helps us understand the rhetorical techniques of biblical narrative (Triablogue).
How Not to Interpret It
Don’t approach the Bible in any of these five ways (Jen Wilkin at The Gospel Coalition Blog).
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