Sunday's Hymn: O Happy Day

O happy day, that fixed my choice
On Thee, my Savior and my God!
Well may this glowing heart rejoice,
And tell its raptures all abroad.Refrain
Happy day, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away!
He taught me how to watch and pray, and live rejoicing every day
Happy day, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away.O happy bond, that seals my vows
To Him who merits all my love!
Let cheerful anthems fill His house,
While to that sacred shrine I move.’Tis done: the great transaction’s done!
I am the Lord’s and He is mine;
He drew me, and I followed on;
Charmed to confess the voice divine.Now rest, my long divided heart,
Fixed on this blissful center, rest.
Here have I found a nobler part;
Here heavenly pleasures fill my breast.High heaven, that heard the solemn vow,
That vow renewed shall daily hear,
Till in life’s latest hour I bow
And bless in death a bond so dear.
Other hymns, worship songs, sermons etc. posted today:
- Jesus, Master, Whose I Am at Fieldstone Cottage
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is at Rosemary at Home
- On Olivet a Little Band at Conjubilant With Song
- Lord’s Day 21 at Tried With Fire
- A Sunday Psalm: The Treasury of David - Psalm 4:6-7 at Theology for Girls
- Lord’s Day 21, 2012 at The Thirsty Theologian
- Praying the Psalms - Psalm 77 at Daily On My Way to Heaven
- Faith Alone - May 20, 2012 at The Upward Call
Have you posted a hymn (or sermon, sermon notes, prayer, etc.) today and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by contacting me using the contact form linked above, and I’ll add your post to the list.
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