Thankful Thursday

I’ve so much to be thankful for.
Tomorrow I’m flying to Vancouver to meet my newest granddaughter, Amelia. I’m thanking God she’s here and healthy and growing. This afternoon, little Natalie stopped by and entertained me by being herself. I’m thankful for her perfect baldish head and sparkling spirit. I’m thankful for all babies in general, and my two grandaughters in particular.
I’m thankful for the cheap flights I get just for being the mother of a flight attendant.
It was also the best day yet this year, weather-wise. I’m thankful for the sun and a breeze. I’m thankful that the trees are leafing and the yard is greening. I’m thankful for the promise of summer. I’m thankful for the “word of power” that brings us daily weather and yearly seasons.
I received an email today from a pastor who has adopted (he used the words “ripped off”) Thankful Thursday. Every Thursday he sends an email to his churchfolk with a list of people and things he’s thankful for. I’m thankful that so many people are using each Thursday to tell others some of reasons are thankful to their heavenly Father.
I’m thankful that God is sovereign and that he is building his church. I’m thankful that he works in very flawed people to accomplish his plans. I’m thankful that a day is coming when everything wrong will be made right—and maybe better than right.
(I’ll be back to post Sunday’s hymn, but expect nothing tomorrow or Saturday.)
Reader Comments (2)
Enjoy little Amelia! Safe travels!
I'm glad you're getting to cuddle that new little granddaughter of yours! Two sweet little granddaughters----showers of blessing!