Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful, first of all, for baby Amelia, my newest granddaughter. She’s growing and developing as she should. She’s a mostly contented baby, sleeping five hours for one stretch last night. All those things are good gifts from our good Father.
I’m thankful that my garden is mostly in and I can catch a breather. Between the new baby coming, an extra dog boarding with me, a trip to Vancouver, and the spring yard and garden work, I’ve been overwhelmed. But God is good, helping me manage it all and now giving me a few less busy days to rest up. Once the forecast freezing nights are past, I’ll plant the seedlings and all the garden planting work will be finished.
I’m thankful that the lawn is greening and the May Day tree will blossom soon. I’m thankful for indoor plumbing and hot baths for soaking.
I’m thankful the God upholds the universe, and that his word of power brings the sun and rain and seasons. I’m thankful that he delegated the tending of his creation to us, a job that he helps me fulfill through the gardening work I love.
I’m thankful that God hears our prayers.
Reader Comments (2)
Oh my goodness, Rebecca. Amelia is so adorably sweet! How many times have you kissed that little chin?
Your granddaughter is beautiful!