This Week in Housekeeping

I guess it’s really last week in housekeeping. Anyhow, here are some recently updated Theological Term posts:
- This was a really old post, and it needed a lot of formatting changes and a good tweaking of the definition.
- Added a link to What are the five solas?
- Added a link to Michael Horton’s Five Pillars of the Reformation.
- Added a link to a pdf with explanation of the five solas and a study guide from North Ryde Anglican Church.
- Added a link to Tim Challies’ recent infographic on reformed theology.
- Added a link to Steve Lawson’s lecture on The Five Solas of the Reformation (mp3).
- Added related terms sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola scriptura (scripture alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone).
- Added a link to Is the King James Version the Final Authority? by Bill Combs.
- Another old post requiring whole lotta formatting help.
- Added links to Tim Challies’ Essential Theology: Creation, Theopedia’s Creation out of nothing and Creation, Fred Sanders’ Notes for a Doctrine of Creation, and Wayne Grudem’s The Doctrine of Creation, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (mp3s).
- Added related terms decree(s) of God, general revelation, image of God, fall (of man).
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