Round the Sphere Again: Recommended for Listening

Carson and Yarbrough on Complementarianism
In this case, I’m breaking my own rule: I’m linking to these before I’ve listened to them because the topic is so timely. For this year’s Evangelical Free Church Theology Conference, the topic was Understanding the Complementarian Position: Considering Implications and Exploring Practices in the Home and the Local Church, and the speakers were Don Carson and Bob Yarbrough.
- The Cultural and Ecclesiological Landscape (Yarbrough)
- Hermeneutics: A Biblical Framework (Yarbrough)
- Creationand Re-creation - Male and Female in the Image of God, The Fall and Redemption (Carson)
- Family - Husbands and Wives, Love and Submission, Christ and the Church (Carson)
- Church- Teaching/Authority in Context of I Timothy 2 (Carson)
- Leadership in the Local Church and a Theology of Pastoral Care (Yarbrough)
- Culture and Hermeneutics (Panel Discussion)
- Equal in Essence and Dignity, Distinction in Roles: The Home (Panel Discussion)
- Full Use of Gifts within God’s Ordained Structure: The Church (Panel Discussion)
Carson on Revelation
Jeremy Pierce has organized the online audio material on Revelation by D. A. Carson, listing them all in chronological order (Parableman). I’ve listened to a surprising number of these; Carson expositing is always exciting.
Kruger on Canon
I’m currently 3/4 of the way through these Kistemaker Lectures (RTS-Orlando, March 2012) on the Biblical Canon—what it means and how it came to be—by Michael Kruger. This is an issue that never goes away. Listen to these talks so you’ll be able to answer questions and correct misconceptions.
- The Definition of ‘Canon’: Exclusive or Multi-Dimensional?
- The Origins of Canon: Was the Idea of a New Testament a Late Ecclesiastical Development?
- The Artifacts of Canon: Manuscripts as a Window into the Development of the New Testament
- The Messiness of the Canon: Do Disagreements Amongst Early Christians Pose a Threat to Our Belief in the New Testament?
Reader Comments (4)
These all look so good. I've been looking for something to listen to while I quilt in the afternoons.
I've started listening to the ECFA conference. I'm up to Dr. Carson's 3rd talk. Very good so far as they go back to a scriptural foundation rather than a cultural one. The 1st message has some audio problems (at least the file I downloaded) but it does improve.
If anyone is interested in learning better bible study, D. A. Carson provides wonderful examples of exposition in the 7 volumes included in this collection. You can pre-order it for a great price from Logos.
The Select Works of D. A. Carson (7 vols.)
Didn't have that Kruger stuff. Thanks, Rebecca.