Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for God’s aseity. It’s because God is self-existent that he can be the source of every created thing, including me. So my very life, and every blessing I have, exists only because God “has life in himself.” And because God is ase, I am confident that he will be able to keep his promises, since he is not dependent on anything outside himself to fulfill his word. I am grateful for the self-existence of God and all the good things that flow from it.
Do you remember that I promised another post on the vocation of grandmotherhood? I’ve been so busy being a grandmother that I’ve had no time to write it. My youngest granddaughter has been miserable, so she and her mother have been spending lots of time at my house so I can help with some of the walking and rocking she needs. I spent some time today looking after my oldest granddaughter, too, who has learned to crawl and cruise and bite with her new teeth. I am so thankful both babies live nearby so I can be with them and help care for them. I’m thankful that I have time and energy for this!
I’m thanking God for the summer season, too. I’m thankful for long days and midnight sun. I’m thankful for this afternoon’s thundershower. They don’t happen often here, and I love them.
I’m thankful for a full produce section in the supermarket. I’m thankful for the truckers that bring our groceries and the highway they drive on.
I’m thankful for Jesus, who came to this world to dies for his enemies.
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