Round the Sphere Again: The Gospel for Christian Women

For Mothers
Lisa’s advice? Remember the gospel.
Jesus saves sinful, opinionated moms, desperate moms sure they have ruined their kids perhaps forever. He gives hope and rest on those days you’ve reached the end of yourself and you are sure you cannot do this one more day. You can’t; He can. Remember that He who gave up His own Son to purchase your redemption will surely give you all that you need. He is sufficient! Your insufficiency is a blessing because it drives you to the cross and it reveals the vast measure of grace that is yours through Christ. His strength is made perfect in weakness! Remember! Rest! Rejoice!
(Lisa Writes)
For All of Us
Kim writes:
I’m thankful that the gospel is big enough to encompass the many different kinds of women it ministers to: single mothers, divorced women, widows, single girls just setting out, married housewives like me. May we all encourage one another, and be willing to move outside our little circles and encourage someone from a different place than the one we’re in…. May we be generous with each other and willing to reach out…. God calls us to different things at different times. Oh, if we would all remember that, how much less criticism we’d be prone to doing.
Read the whole post at The Upward Call.
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