Status Report: July

Sitting…on the couch in the living room.
Thinking…about having a cup of after supper tea.
Picking…the first two red tomatoes from the potted tomato plants on the back deck.
Watching…the Twins play Detroit. I’m so glad they’re finally winning once in a while so I can enjoy them again. I’m not a very loyal fan; I quit watching when things get hopeless.
Tiring…of the rain. It seems like it’s been rainy for months. Last night I dreamed that I woke up and went out to the backyard and the grass was knee high because the rain hadn’t stopped long enough for me to mow. My dream was partly right: The back yard does need to be mowed. Thankfully the grass isn’t knee high…yet.
Wishing…for summer. So far, we’ve had one nice weekend and that’s it.
Wanting…to skip my dental surgery tomorrow. It’s just a little thing—a one-half hour appointment—but I’m so tired of dental work! I’d really like to never see the inside of that dentist office again.
Reading…God’s Battalions by Rodney Stark (nearly done), Pierced for Our Transgressions (nearly done), and Killing Calvinism by Greg Dutcher. I finally finished The Hammer of God by Bo Giertz. I’m going to stick my neck out and say it’s a guys novel. It was also very Lutheran. Next up, I’m starting Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber.
Making…curtains to replace some old dingy ones in the kitchen. I’m using this fabric (In real life, the grey is lighter than it looks in the photo.), which I bought when I was in Vancouver for a day in May.
Liking…that my youngest son has discovered the joy of barbecuing. Nothing makes him happier than taking charge of grilling our supper. He made his own sauce and grilled enough chicken for a big family dinner we had last weekend.
Wishing…you a joyful July.
Reader Comments (1)
That's a beautiful pattern for curtains!