Round the Sphere Again: Understanding Scripture

Are you reading or studying Psalms? Knowing the basic genres of the psalms will help you understand them.
(Bill McCabe at Theologically Driven)
Romans 5
Austin Brown walks through the reasoning of Romans 5:9-10:
Today, while reading the Word during my lunch break, I found myself in the fifth chapter of Romans. There, nestled in the opening verses, Paul utilizes the a fortiori argument. It’s elegantly simple with profound and glorious implications.
(Gentle Reformation)
Ephesians 2
Jared Wilson on Ephesians 2:1-10.
You’ve probably read it, maybe multiple times. But ever felt it? Ever drunk it? Steeped in it? Had it knock you over?
…It doesn’t get worse than this. We are dead, belly-ruled, world-following, devil worshipers. The curse we both suffer and embrace has us hemmed in on all sides. There is no escaping. We are much, much worse than we think we are.
(Gospel Driven Church)
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