Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Status Report: August

Sitting…on the couch in the living room, half-watching Olympics coverage. 

Drinking…nothing, but

Eating…an orange.

Enjoying…the garden. It’s producing lettuce, tomatoes, swiss chard, and onions. And the brocolli is almost ready to pick. I got carried away when I  planted lettuce and there’s about four times as much we could ever eat. If you want some, come and get it. 

Liking…that my youngest son has begun to appreciate onions and all the other vegies that he was too picky to eat previously. Life is more joyful when everyone in the household loves vegetables.

Also enjoying…the babies. Natalie is cruising the furniture, learning to climb stairs and will be walking soon. She’s said her first word—“fish.” I looked after her for a while this morning and we had a lovely time, as we always do.

Amelia is smiling and cooing and growing.  She and her mother spend the afternoon here several times a week. 

Wondering...where the summer went. I had plans—paint the bathroom, sew for the babies, read several books, keep the yard and garden up perfectly. So far I’ve read a book or two and that’s it. But I have no regrets; I’ve been spending time with babies. You should love ‘em while you have ‘em.

“Amazing”…is what the dental surgeon said when he did a follow-up exam on my latest surgery. I was expecting the worst—nothing’s gone smoothly for me lately when it comes to dental work—and I’m very thankful for good news. make jam tomorrow—strawberry-rhubarb this time ‘round. 

Trying…to stay sharp by finishing a math square a day, but today’s puzzle lies crumpled, smudged and unfinished beside me as I write.

Ending…another busy day and

Going…to bed.


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Reader Comments (1)

So glad your dental surgery ended well despite its difficulty.

And I'll be over for some of that lettuce (I wish). Not a single leaf of mine ever came up. I'm told that others had the same problem, otherwise I'd be hanging up my gardening gloves.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterrosemary

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