This Week in Housekeeping

I updated these Theological Term posts. I could use your help finding linkable resources on the economic Trinity. Do you know of any?
- Rewrote the definition.
- Deleted a dead link.
- Added a link to CARM’s entry on the Economic Trinity.
- Added related terms eternal generation of the Son, ontological Trinity, Trinity.
- Added “Filed under Trinity.”
- Removed a few dead links.
- Added a link to John Gill’s Of Effectual Calling
- Added a link to Paul Helm’s Effectual Calling.
- Added a link to Greg Welty’s Election and Calling: A Biblical/Theological Study (pdf).
- Added a link to Wayne Grudem’s The Gospel Call and Effective Calling (mp3)
- Added related terms conversion, external call, irresistible grace, prevenient grace, monergism, regeneration.
- Added “Filed under Salvation.”
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