Thankful Thursday

Youngest son and I went cranberry (a.k.a. lingonberry) picking this afternoon. The only reason he went along is that it was an opportunity to hike in the bush with his dog on a lovely fall afternoon. We took youngest daughter’s dog, too, so the dogs could run around together while we picked berries. We brought home two quarts, enough to make this jam, with some left to freeze for later. I’m thankful for
- My son’s company.
- His discovery that he really likes berry picking.
- God’s bounty, especially seen in the big, beautiful cranberries.
- Playful dogs.
- The fall colors. They trees might be at their most vivid right now.
Yesterday, my oldest daughter’s landlord sent a guy over to service her furnace before winter. It turns out the furnace needs to be replaced immediately because it puts out dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. I’m thankful for
- God’s protection for her family, which includes my baby granddaugher Amelia.
- Her landlord, who just bought the house, and takes his responsibility for the safety of his tenants seriously.
- The two extra space heaters stored in the attic of my garage.
- The mild fall weather that had them using the malfunctioning furnace only briefly for a few times.
That’s quite a list, isn’t it? I am thankful today for all God’s providential care for me and my family.
Reader Comments (8)
Thank the LORD for His protection over your dear daughter and her family! What amazing timing! The berry picking sounds so lovely, Rebecca. I wish we were able to do something like that here. I remember the fun I'd have going strawberry picking when I lived in VA. Praising God with you for His many mercies.
So, you're saying that when I am in Whitehorse next year there will be fall colours! Great! I love it. I hope you'll take me on a nice, long walk with your dogs. Too bad I can't bring my dog. I think the conference organizers would frown on that.
So thankful for the Lord's protection for your daughter and her family! I'm glad they have a good landlord who cares about his responsibilities.
I've never seen fresh lingonberries, only after they've been made into jam. I didn't know they're the wild version of the familiar cranberry.
So, you're saying that when I am in Whitehorse next year there will be fall colours!
There should be. It depends a little on the year and the weather. I look forward to taking a hike with you. There are lots of possibilities!
I didn't know they're the wild version of the familiar cranberry.
Yep. They're more commonly called low bush cranberries, but officially, they're lingonberries.
I wish we were able to do something like that here.
I wish you could, too. My toddlers and young girls always loved picking cranberries.
Praise the Lord that the furnace was fixed before it put anyone in danger!
The air conditioning repairman just left my house. Our weather is quite a bit different than yours!
The air conditioning repairman just left my house. Our weather is quite a bit different than yours!
I'm a little bit jealous, which is a terrible thing to comment on a post about being thankful. :)