Thankful Thursday

It’s late and it’s been a busy day. I’m thanking my heavenly Father for
- an early morning walk with a joyful dog. I’m thankful that God created dogs in general, and our dog in particular.
- glasses in general, and my own glasses in particular. I’d be blind without them. People think I’m speaking hyperbolically when I say that, but I’m not. I’m thankful for my eye doctor, and for all those who work to provide eyeglasses and contacts to those who need them. They are instuments of God’s providence, whether they know it or not.
- for the focus needed to complete important tasks on a tight schedule. For a quiet day, after a run of noisy ones.
- a bit of warmer weather and the better moods that come with it.
- Vitamin D in pill form. Otherwise I’d be deficient.
- grapefruit in season. I say this (and mean it) every January. They are a spot of sunshine in a dreary month.
- that the power that work in those who believe is resurrection power.
Reader Comments (2)
I just bought myself some grapefruit on Wednesday when I got groceries,and I remembered that you are thankful for them! I love the ruby reds. The ones I got were so juicy, I could peel the thing and eat it whole. I restrained myself and am only eating a half at a time :)
I am so thankful for glasses too. I don't know if I'd be legally blind, but I certainly couldn't drive or do very much.