Thankful Thursday

One of the advantage of doing these posts of thanksgiving every week is that it causes me to look in the ordinariness of my life for good gifts from God. This is an exercise that helps me be content with God’s providence for me, and an exercise that brings me joy. The first item on the list of things for which I’m thankful, then, is Thankful Thursday.
Today my oldest daughter and youngest granddaughter daughter spent the afternoon with me. We made a double batch of sourdough naan bread, enough for each of our families and a little more to share. So I’ve been thinking about yeast as one of God’s gifts. I’m thankful he created it and caused someone, way back in history, to discover that it could put to good use. I’m especially thankful that it helps us make light and tasty breads.
While I’m thinking of it, I’m thankful that I can google just about anything I feel like making, food-wise, and find a recipe that’ll work. I’m thankful for the internet and for people who share their recipes.
I’m thankful for lots and lots of new snow. We usually get our snow a little bit at a time, but last night, we got a 8 inches or so. It made my mid-January world beautiful and my mid-January dog walk a fun adventure. I thank God for new snow—and for my son and son-in-law who shoveled the walk and driveway for me. Twice in one day.
I’m also thankful for a slow morning to catch up on reading.
I’m thankful that God’s providence for me teaches me to trust him, even when things are difficult.
I’m thankful that “God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved [me], even when [I was] dead in our trespasses, made [me] alive together with Christ….”
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