Expecting Trouble

It’s my day to post at Out of the Ordinary.
Jesus warned his disciples that in this world they would have trouble. Why would we expect it to be any different for us? Eventually, we’re all going to run into difficult circumstances and we may have to endure them for a long time. It’s the way it is for believers in this world.
Read all of You’re Gonna Need a Quality Shoe.
Reader Comments (1)
(((“I have overcome the world,” Jesus said,)))
Hey girl keep on preaching the word cause you really make sense and "I'M" sure that even Saint Paul (after he met Christ on his way to slay more Christians) would agree that you are blessed as to knowing GOD (Good Old Dad) Words. We Catholics who are lucky enough to visit The House of Our Father know that every time we dip a finger in GOD's Holy Water are re-bathed in the Baptism of Christ and our sins are re-forgiven every time we do The sign of His Cross with a sincere heart.
I hear ya! So that's sinner vic "Top Secret" :)