Sunday's Hymn: Rise Up, O Men of God!

Rise up, O men of God!
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and mind and soul and strength
To serve the King of kings.Rise up, O men of God!
The kingdom tarries long.
Bring in the day of brotherhood
And end the night of wrong.Rise up, O men of God!
The church for you doth wait,
Her strength unequal to her task;
Rise up and make her great!Lift high the cross of Christ!
Tread where His feet have trod.
As brothers of the Son of Man,
Rise up, O men of God!
There are countless performances of this particular arrangement of Rise Up, O Men of God on YouTube. This one by the Northern Lights Chorale might be the best.
This is a different arrangement—one of only a few I found—sung by the Wheaton College Men’s Glee Club.
Other hymns, worship songs, sermons etc. posted today:
- Update: Come, Ye Thankful People, Come at Graces Daily
- My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness at By Grace Alone
- Thanks to God at The Happy Wonderer
- Of the Father’s Love Begotten at Gospel Grace
- None But Christ! at Theology for Girls
- The narrow way by the strait gate at Tried With Fire
- Lifting Up Our Hearts - 9 at The Upward Call
- Lord’s Day 47, 2013 at The Thirsty Theologian
- You Weekly Dose of Spurgeon at Pyromaniacs: Our singing God
Have you posted a hymn (or sermon, sermon notes, prayer, etc.) today and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by contacting me using the contact form linked above, and I’ll add your post to the list.
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