Linked Together: Good Theology

From a Cook
Reminding us that theology is crucial—and practical, too: “Countless thousands are spiritually indebted to the Prince of Preachers. He was indebted to a cook.’ From her I got all the theology I ever needed,’ he wrote in his first published book in 1857” (Matt Smethurst at The Gospel Coalition Blog).
On iTunesU
Kim Shay at The Upward Call is listening to lectures from Derek Thomas. She lists his seven characteristics of good theology.
In a Book
One of the most helpful resources for a student of the Bible is a good systematic theology.
Systematic theology, in broad strokes, seeks to compile everything that the Bible says about a particular doctrine (such as the Trinity, penal substitutionary atonement, the attributes of God, creation, etc.) into an orderly and rational form.
Aaron Armstrong (Blogging Theologically) lists a few systematic theology texts that you might find useful.
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