Thankful Thursday

Tonight I am thanking my heavenly Father
- for listening when I pray.
- for sustaining my love for him.
- for giving me a body so I can work and walk and enjoy the universe he made.
- for keeping me healthy and strong.
- for providing me with a full fridge, full cupboards, and more in the pantry.
- for a comfortable and secure home.
- for friends and family, here and in heaven.
- for opportunities to serve him by serving others.
- for the promise of eternity with him.
I thought I was too tired and grumpy to write a thanksgiving post, but I did it anyway, mostly because I hate to have a day with nothing at all posted. I’m so glad I did. Nothing lifts the spirit like writing a list of thanksgiving items. I guess you could say I’m thankful for this weekly Thanksgiving Thursday exercise.
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