Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Round the Sphere Again: The Older Woman of Titus 2

Will you like me less if I tell you I find the phrase “Titus 2 woman” very annoying? Even as I type the words I feel slightly irritated. (I’m not fond of the phrase “Proverbs 31 woman,” either.)

do want to follow the instructions of Titus 2. I’m happy with the job description, but not the contrived (and “christianesey”?) title for it. What’s up with women and scripture passage labels? There are instructions to older men in Titus 2, and I’ve never heard an older man called a “Titus 2 man.” Have you? 

I think that might be the worst possible introduction for these two recent pieces on the Titus 2 woman. I recommend them.

  • Who She Is and What She Does
    Kim Shay:

    Who (or what) is a Titus 2 woman?  She is part of a wonderful network of relationships meant to encourage women and build the Body of Christ.

    From A Walk Through the Word: Titus 2 at CBMW’s Woman’s Channel aka Karis.

  • When You Don’t Have One
    Diane Bucknell encourages young women who don’t have this kind of mentor: 

    I never had the privilege of having the kind of “Titus 2” mentor in my life that I think women are looking for today … . As a young believer in the early 70’s, our rural church life in North Idaho consisted of co-ed Bible studies and prayer meetings and the only “women’s” thing I attended were baby showers. The things I was learning from the Bible were sufficient to teach me what I needed to know in order  to  love my husband and children and to stay at home and mind my own business.

    Read the whole piece  at Theology for Girls

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Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for linking this Rebecca - and the introduction expressed my sentiments perfectly - love "Christianesey" - I think "Christiancheesey" works too. haha!

April 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDiane

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