Status Report: April

Sitting…on the couch, enjoying the evening sunshine through my livingroom windows.
Feeling…a little stuffed from the chicken salad stuffed pita I ate for supper.
Also feeling…sorry for my son and his wife. Especially his wife. My oldest granddaughter just came down with a nasty stomach bug, her third illness since her little brother was born mid-February. I think having a 18-month-old and a six-week-old is enough to handle without a series of late-winter illnesses.
Waiting…for a loaf of bread to rise so I can bake it. It’s whole wheat sourdough with sunflower seeds, sweetened with dark molasses. My son says it’s his favorite of the different sourdough bread variations I’m made.
Preparing…for the kitchen project. The plans are drawn; the supplies ordered; the big project starts next week. I think. I’m dreading living without a kitchen during the process, but also looking forward to having a new and better kitchen.
Still deciding…which paint colours to use on the new kitchen cupboards. I want to paint the upper cupboards white and the lower cupboards a neutralish colour of some sort. Like grey, maybe, or a greyed green.
Thinking…I should take down the white mini-lights I have strung across the fireplace mantle. I left them up after Christmas to curse the winter darkness, but they’ve served their purpose and become a waste of space and electricity.
Enjoying…Easter lilies. It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve not had a cat living with me, so I can have lilies. (Lilies, you know, are quite poisonous for cats, and if you have them, your cat will eat them.)
Getting…my gum boots out. (That’d be rubber boots to most of you.) There are big puddles to cross on my daily dog walks. I love walking through puddles. And gooey mud, too, when the gooey mud comes. I’ve never outgrown my love for mud and puddles.
Reading…Ephesians and an interesting Ephesians commentary. I plan to post a quote from the commentary soon so you can see what I mean by that.
Thanking…God that spring always comes eventually. And for the place where I live.
Reader Comments (3)
Oh, your poor daughter-in-law. I hope everyone feels better soon. Also hope you will post pictures of your kitchen renovation!
I've been thinking of painting my kitchen cabinets as well and also contemplating a two tone, white on top, gray on bottom! I would love to see pictures of your finished product--are you painting soon?
Bless your daughter-in-law's heart. I have so been there. One of our worst experiences with sickness was when my oldest two were those same ages and they both had the stomach virus. It was terrible!
I'll post pictures when I'm done, but it will be a while. I'm having the cupboards custom built and that'll take a while.
It never occurred to me that a new baby might come down with a stomach virus! Oh boy. That give me something new to pray for this morning.