Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for Tuesday’s thunderstorm. I love them, and we don’t get many of them—one or two a year, and some years none. So when we have one, I’m thankful for it.
I’m also thankful for this first week of leaves on the trees, for greening grass and a few blooming wildflowers. I’m thankful that my garden is tilled and ready to plant. I’m thankful, too, for my oldest granddaughter, who loves to help with yardwork.
My son has returned from his trip to Spain. I’m thankful that he enjoyed himself and came home fit and tanned.
I’m thankful for the kitchen project progress. One set of bottom cupboards are installed, the sink is in, and the dishwasher, too. Starting today, I can do dishes in the kitchen instead of the bathroom. That is something to be thankful for.
I’m thankful that God gives me strength for every busy day. I’m thankful for a comfy bed, an open window, and the summer breeze.
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