Status Report: June

Sitting … on the couch in the living room.
Enjoying … the late night sun. It’s less than three weeks from the summer solstice. (Do you think of it as the longest day or the shortest night?)
Thinking … about what a difference a month makes, weather-wise. In last month’s status report, I was complaining about the snow that was still on the ground. Today, it’s definitely summer. We skipped right over spring, I guess, and went straight from snowstorms to thunderstorms.
Noticing … that my May Day tree began blooming sometime this afternoon. It is the showpiece of my yard, and the week each year when it’s in bloom is my favorite week of the year.
Feeling … tired and sore from a weekend of marathon gardening. I’m relieved that it’s done—mostly. The veggies are planted: peas, potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, swiss chard, spinach, romaine, red and green leaf lettuce, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and brussels sprouts. And I’ve got tomatoes and herbs in pots on the deck.
I considered not doing a garden this year. It is a lot of work, and I’ve got the kitchen project, too. But in the end, I imagined my summer without a garden and I missed it. Some year, maybe, I’ll take a garden break so I can sit on the front porch in my rocker and watch the world go by. But not just yet.
Also feeling … excited that my youngest granddaughter took her first steps today. A week ago, I’d have predicted that she was at least a month away from walking. This afternoon, she walked aroung the yard holding only one of my hands, and when she went home, she decided to go it alone. And just like that, she’s a walker.
Using … some of my new kitchen cabinets. One set of bottom cupboards is installed, and the sink and dishwasher are in, too.
I finally settled on Benjamin Moore Horizon Gray for the cabinet paint color—and I have no regrets.
Celebrating … no more dishwashing in the bathroom!
Reading … 40 Questions About the End Times by Eckhard Schnabel. I have high hopes for it, because I’ve liked the other two 40 Questions books I’ve read. I need some lighter summer reading, too. Something fun and easy, with no sad endings and only a tiny bit of suspense. (Real life has enough trouble. I don’t need any in the stories I read.) Any suggestions?
Wishing … you a joyous June surrounded by growing plants and loving people.
Reader Comments (4)
I like that colour for the cabinets!
I love that cabinet color. I think I've told you I've waffled on having my cabinets painted and should I do so I'm definitely leaning toward the gray trend. So pretty! Will you post some pictures? Please? :)
Great cabinet color. I have knotty pine cabinets from the 60's that could use a fresh look. Hope you'll post pics too.
Once the doors get put on I'll post pictures. Without the doors—their paint is still curing—there is not much to see.