Linked Together: People You Should Know

I’ve loved biographies since about 3rd grade when I discovered they were the perfect stories for a “just the facts” girl. But there are better reasons than this to read Christian biographies.
Eight Reasons
“Whether it is the lives of the Puritans, leaders of the Reformation, or faithful believers who lived nearer to our own day, the story of another Christian’s life often lifts our eyes from our own ministries and circumstances to see something bigger” — Paul Tautges.
Here are a few recently posted Christian biographical sketches. You know, biographies for short attention spans.
Andrew Fuller
“Though largely unknown to contemporary evangelicals, Fuller was a Particular Baptist pastor and one of the leading theologians during the final decades of the so-called Long Eighteenth Century (1689–1815). He was a tireless promoter of missions at home and abroad, and widely published polemical theologian, defending the biblical gospel against two key errors in his day: High Calvinism and Sandemanianism.” — Nathan Finn.
Charles Hodge
“[Charles Hodge] grew up in a home where the [Westminster] Catechism was loved and enjoyed. He was pastored by one who schooled him in the catechism. And he had the kind of piety that modeled what we would think of as the First Great Awakening.” — Andrew Hoffecker.
A Martyr in India
I suppose this isn’t really a biographical sketch, but it is a Christian from the past that you should know: “In the 1880’s a Welsh missionary who had endured severe persecution finally saw his first converts in a particularly brutal village in the Indian province of Assam. A husband and wife, with their two children, professed faith in Christ and were baptized.” — Jesse Johnson.
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