Status Report: July

Sitting … on the couch in the living room on this Canada Day evening.
Enjoying … the rain. We’ve had lots of warm sunny weather lately, so rain is welcome.
Hoping … that the rain lasts until I go to bed for the night. There’s nothing more comforting than the sound of rain at night.
Also hoping … that the warm weather returns after a few days so my granddaughters can use the blow-up baby pool in the back yard again. My oldest granddaughter calls my back yard a “park” because it has a swing, a pool, and a few toys to play on. It makes sense to me!
Walking … with the dog this morning, I rounded a corner and came face to face with a fox on the trail. I suspect the workers at a nearby hotel are feeding them, and that’s why there are so many in my area. It also explains why they aren’t afraid of us. (There are so many they’ve become a bit of a nuisance.)
Thinking … that in last month’s status report I was singing the praises of my blooming May Day tree. Sadly, half the tree blew down a couple of weeks ago during some extremely strong winds. Now I’m concerned for the rest of the tree. Is it stable? Could it fall, too? Thankfully, if it did fall, it wouldn’t fall on the house.
Picking … kale, radishes and herbs from the garden. There are green onions ready to use, too. Everything else is growing but not ready for harvesting. I’ve been weeding, weeding, weeding, too. Pulling the chickweed is a never-ending job. (I blame Adam for this.)
Reporting … that I was a little premature when I wrote in last month’s status report that my youngest granddaughter was walking. She took a few steps a couple of times and then decided that walking is not for her. No wonder, either! She’s an extremely speedy crawler, so walking would slow her down at first.
Also reporting … that there’s been no more progress on the kitchen project. It’s been set aside for a while because there are other jobs to do. But work will start again soon—I hope.
Still reading … 40 Questions About the End Times by Eckhard Schnabel. I haven’t made much progress. Apparently I’m not very interested in learning about end times.
Noticing … that this is a “no progress” kind of status report: less tree; less walking; same kitchen; same book.
Wishing … you a joyous July full of summer celebration.
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